Monday, October 29, 2012

Entry 2

For observations taken on 10/26/2012:

-Roughly the top third of the water within the Aquarium had evaporated. I was instructed to replace the water with other water from a bottle prepared by the instructor, not from the source I used. No life forms could be observed in areas lacking the water.

-The dirt initially within the Aquarium was more evenly dispersed than I had observed previously.

-No changes had taken place with the placement of the Amblestegium or the Utricularia Gibba, despite the lowering of the water level.

I observed many organisms this time, some of which I was able to identify with the aid of the instructor. I will limit my description in this posting to a selection of what I was able to identify, as I would not be able to give much meaning to organisms I could not. All images identified with the aid of the instructor and Patterson's Free Living Freshwater Protozoa.

This Vorticella (Patterson 2009) I found near the bottom of the tank, growing off a dirt particle. It ingests water using a corona it has, and it circulates it through the funnel structure.
I found this Lacrymaria (Patterson 2009) floating freely in the water of the cell. Note how it extends its flagella for movement.
Other organisms I found included a Euplote (Patterson 2009), a microbial insect that appeared to be as a cockroach, and several organisms that appeared to be Midge, which appeared to be a caterpillar that hid in dirt to swiftly attack its food sources. Unfortunately, I was unable to take any clearly identifiable photos of the former nor confirm the identity of the latter.
Things of note to do in next observation:
-Record model of microscope used.
-Analyze how the food pellet added may have had an effect on the organisms
-Analyze what effects replacing the water with different water might have had.


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